Tag Archives: able

Sample Loan Modification Hardship Letter

The loan modification process can be quite intimidating. You have to fill out all kinds of paperwork, negotiate on terms with your lender, as well as write a letter stating hardship. Out of those three main steps, the letter is

How to Get Financing in Texas

Are you in the mood for a new car but can’t get that car loan? Is your husband ready to purchase that new boat but can’t get a boat loan? Would you like to use your home equity to pay

Bad Credit Student Loans- Get A Brighter Tomorrow

Are you a student with a bad credit? Do you need funds for higher studies? Is you poor credit past stopping you from asking for help? If you are caught in the same situation, then bad credit student loans may

Unsecured loans: Get over with monetary troubles efficiently

Sometimes you may find it difficult to follow your monthly planned budget properly. This happens because you may have several needs to meet whereas you don’t have much finance to fulfill those needs. A fixed monthly salary may fall short

Guaranteed Auto Loans in spite of Poor Credit Rating

Looking for the right financial lending company that will give you a guaranteed auto loan is not always easy. However, thanks to the Internet, you can now find many auto finance companies like AutoLoanFinance.net to get information from them to

Bank of America Loan Modification Mods Are On The Rise

Bank of America Loan Modification is definitely on the rise. They have aggressively started modifying their borrowers loans to try and keep these notes as performing assets.This is great news for Countrywide borrowers who will soon make the switch to