Tag Archives: rate

Sample Loan Modification Hardship Letter

The loan modification process can be quite intimidating. You have to fill out all kinds of paperwork, negotiate on terms with your lender, as well as write a letter stating hardship. Out of those three main steps, the letter is

Are Student Loans Still a Good Bet?

In the mid- and late-1960s, there was no doubt among U.S. public policy makers that the federal government should be encouraging more citizens to attend and graduate from college. Bolstered by the success of the highly popular GI Bill, which

How To Get A Really Good Online Auto Car Loan Rates

There are several different types of ways to go about getting the best auto loan rates. It will typically include some initial thought and some real focused planning in advance. It’s easy to just straight tell individuals to shop around,

Car title loans: How much can I get ? Maximize Your Loan Amount

At Maximum Title Loans we know that the Kelly Blue Book offers higher values based on their aggressive approach to evaluating cars. To maximize your loan amount we will use the KBB Trade-In Value to determine the highest loan amount

Business Loan – Easy cash makes business easy

When you are consolidating your business you definitely know that it is not an easy task. You need to put a lot of effort and require finance to build a successful business. If you are facing financial problems to make

Home Loans, Why To Decide To Purchase A Property

Even when it may not sound easy, purchasing a home may not be as hard as it seems to.Being a homeowner is a desire that most of people share. Even when we love the possibility of changing, the idea of