Tag Archives: letter

Sample Loan Modification Hardship Letter

The loan modification process can be quite intimidating. You have to fill out all kinds of paperwork, negotiate on terms with your lender, as well as write a letter stating hardship. Out of those three main steps, the letter is

Example of a Hardship Letter for a Mortgage Loan Modification

A basic loan modification requirement is to demonstrate to your lending institution that you are faced with a financial hardship situation. You need to present enough evidence to convince your lender that, due to your current circumstances, you need to

How to Get a Countrywide Loan Modification

Getting a Countrywide loan modification is easier than ever. The lender has started a streamlined approval process and their debt to income requirement has fallen to 34%. If you’re looking to get a countrywide loan modification, keep the following points

Bank of America Loan Modification – Five Steps to Approval

Does paying your high monthly mortgage payment cause you stress or make you worry? Have you been thinking that you could get a better deal, like a Bank of America loan modification period? The Bank of America is known nationwide

Life After Bankruptcy – Acquiring a Bad Credit Car Loan

After having been discharged from bankruptcy, you are now ready to start rebuilding your credit history. Indeed, the effects of bankruptcy do not need to last for long. The sooner you can regain your good credit standing, the doors of

Small Business Loans

The conventional structure of a woman fixes her to a stereotype, whereby she is attributed to a defined set of duties that she is supposed to perform. According to traditional society, a woman is a home maker and is capable